Our Worship

The Divine Liturgy:  The Divine Liturgy is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month, and major Feast Days, at 10.30am at St Mary the Virgin Anglican church, Marshwood, Dorset DT6 5QA.   Communion is given to anyone who is baptised and a communicant member of their own (Christian Trinitarian) Church, and who believes that they are receiving the body and blood of Christ in communion.

Daily Prayer:  The Clergy recite the cycle of Daily Offices.  Prayer is as necessary for the soul as food is for the body.  A regulated routine is highly recommended.  Lamorna Publications (see Links) offers the St Gwenn's Daily Office Book and other prayer resorces.

Baptism:  Whilst it is not necessary if you do not like the idea, we prefer that we baptise outdoors in fresh running water – a river or stream – or in the sea. 

Chrismation:  For those wishing to become members of the Celtic Orthodox Church we have the sacramental service of Chrismation where the candidate receives the gift of the Holy Spirit and is anointed with Holy oil. 

Marriage:  In line with many other Orthodox Churches, to avoid difficulties over legal registration, we would perform the Marriage Service immediately after a legal ceremony in a Registry Office.  The legal ceremony would be just that, a legality, and be a quiet affair with just the couple and witnesses present.  The Celtic Orthodox Marriage in the sight of God would be for all the guests and could take place out of doors, at the place of the Reception or any other suitable place which would first be blessed by the priest for the purpose.  It is very much in the Celtic Tradition that all space is potentially sacred, being part of God’s Creation. 

Funerals:  We can offer a Celtic Orthodox funeral service at the graveside, at a Cemetery chapel, at a Crematorium, or other suitable place. 

Blessings and Prayer:  We can offer blessings in a variety of situations and also undertake daily prayer for those in sorrow, sickness, or any kind of need. 

Absolution:  We will hear your confession, and pronounce absolution for the truly penitent.  Or we will just listen to whatever you may wish to discuss with a priest, and offer counsel where appropriate and desired. 

* Contact Fr Leonard for all service details.